lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2020

Social Science: landforms

Hello, kids: 

You know we are studying continents, oceans and landforms in this unit. I thought you could do some activities to go over these contents. 

First, I want you to find some landforms on the next wordsearch  (super easy). 


Next, there are some National Geographic videos about the continents. You have to watch some of them and try to answer the next questions. It is not difficult if you pay attention (puedes activar los subtítulos si haces click en CC en la pantalla del vídeo; subtítulos en inglés, claro). Si hay alguna duda, la resolveremos juntos en clase en la próxima sesión de Social Science (Wednesday).


Watch and answer: How many people visit the Eiffel Tower every year?

2. ASIA.

Watch and answer: Name the two biggest countries in Asia.


Watch and answer: What is the name of the active volcano we can find in Antarctica?

And that'll be all. 

See you tomorrow ;)

Ramón C. 

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