jueves, 30 de abril de 2020

Fin de semana 1-3 de mayo de 2020

Buenos días, amigos.

Espero que lo pasarais ayer bien en la visita a los bomberos. Ahora tenéis por delante tres días para intentar desconectar un poco de tareas. Aun así, si os apetece entrar en el blog hoy, os propongo un viaje virtual. 

No sé si recordáis que teníamos en la clase un mapa para ir recordando el recorrido de Magallanes y Elcano en la primera circunnavegación allá por 1519. Como hemos tenido que dejar el mapa en el cole, os propongo una visita a la siguiente web para aprender más cosas de las cinco naves, la tripulación y algunos de los principales destinos de ese fascinante viaje. 

Espero que os guste. Yo ya la he visitado varias veces.

Un abrazo, grumetes. 


Buenos días, chicos. 

Tal vez no lo sabíais, pero para este día teníamos prevista una visita al Parque de Bomberos. Nos ha tocado pasar este día en casa, pero hemos querido tener esa "visita" aunque sea de forma virtual. 
Mercedes ha preparado una entrada en su blog para que podamos hacerlo. Si os animáis, haced algún dibujo relacionado con la "visita".

Haced click en el enlace. 

Un abrazo y feliz fin de semana largo. 

Ramón C. 

miércoles, 29 de abril de 2020

Social Science 29th April 2020

Good morning, everyone!

Welcome to a new day :)
Today is Wednesday and we have to do some Social Science. 
Some days ago we talked about rivers, then rivers in Spain, and today we are going to go over something you studied last year and two years ago: the water cycle. 

This is the information you can read on PB pages 48-49.

In those two images you can see the most important aspects in this section. In the photograph below you can see a scientist analyzing the process. Can you recognize him? That's a cool model of the water cycle!

After reading all the information, try to do the next activities: 

1. (PB 48: 2) Read the next sentences. Which stage of the water cycle do they refer to?

a) Water is absorbed by the soil of the ground_______
b) Water changes into water vapour________________
c) Rain and snow fall to the ground_________________
d) Water droplets form clouds__________________

2.  The next video offers a very nice summary of the water cycle, but they forgot to mention one of the four stages. Watch it and tell me the missing stage ;)

3. The link below takes you to a very easy quiz to go over some of the concepts you have learnt today (it is important to read each question very slowly). 

4. If you don't want to copy my word maps, maybe you can try to organize the information about the water cycle making something like this...

You can write the information about the different stages underneath the flaps. 

And that'll be all, folks!

See you tomorrow :)

Ramón C. 

martes, 28 de abril de 2020

English 28th April 2020

Good morning, my friends!

Let's start with some of the last photographs I have received. There is a lot of art at Pasamonte school :)

I hope you are OK. Let's do some English and some space activities today. If you have your books with you, I am going to ask you to go to PB 88 and read that interesting text about being an astronaut.

But before you read it, there are some things I'd like to explain. Have a look at the next sentence: 

You have to go to university to be an astronaut. 
In this sentence, have got means tienes que. Ese verbo lo empleamos también para hablar de nuestras posesiones, de cosas que tenemos, como en el siguiente ejemplo: 

Ramón has big muscles.

Pero en este texto de los astronautas, vamos a encontrar ese otro significado (que es lo que habéis ido trabajando en las frases de los días anteriores). Ese significado es tener que hacer algo, como en estos otros ejemplos: 

To be a teacher you have to go to university (o al revés, you have to go to university to be a teacher). 
You have to work very hard to be an astronaut.
You have to buy some ingredients to make a cake. 

Si os dais cuenta, después del verbo (HAVE TO) aparece otro verbo (GO, WORK, BUY). Ese segundo verbo es lo que tenéis que hacer para ser profe, ser un astronauta o hacer una tarta. 

After this, have a look at the text below (sé que no queda bonito tan grande, pero os lo pongo así porque algún compañero no tiene el libro).

1. After reading the text and listening to it, try to complete the sentences about the text... (AB 85:1).

- You have to go to university to____________________
- You need to study_______________________________
- Astronauts have to exercise a lot _________________
- As part of her job_______________________________
- You have to know how to_________________________
- Did you know that in space_______________________?

2. We can do something similar with other jobs or activities (vais a tener que completar la primera o la segunda parte de la frase. Mirad los ejemplos antes de hacerlo): 


You have to train a lot to be a football player.
To pass a Science test you have to study very hard.


- To be a tennis player you have to...
- To be a scientist you have to...
- To be a journalist you have to...
- To be an artist you have to...
- You have to cook very well to...
- You have to speak English to...
- You have to wear a helmet to...
- You don't have to wear a helmet to...

3. You know the International Space Station is orbiting our planet. If you click on the link below you can see where it is right know (podéis ver los grados como estudiamos en Sociales; recordad: latitude and longitude. Ahora mismo, mientras os preparo esta actividad, dice que está en la posición 31ºS 78ºE... a ver dónde está en el momento en que lo hacéis). Click and write its position. 

4. The astronaut from the text, Nicole Stott, spent 91 days on the International Space Station. I have found a video that shows the inside of the station. I thought you may like it. 

See you tomorrow.

Ramón C. 

lunes, 27 de abril de 2020

Natural Science 27th April 2020

Good morning, my friends!

Welcome to a new week. I think today you can go for a walk again... Enjoy it. 

Let's do a bit of Natural Science. We have to continue studying vertebrates. Today, amphibians. But first I want to share with you some photographs Lucas sent me. Do you like reptiles? Here you can see two ;)


This is the information you can read on PB page 43.

One of the most interesting things in amphibians is how they change. The next video explains this animal group and all those changes, called metamorphosis (los cambios que sufre un anfibio desde que es un bebé hasta que alcanza la vida adulta).

After reading the information and watching the video, read and answer the next questions. 

1. What are the different ways amphibians can breathe (PB 43:1)?
2. Why do amphibians lay so many eggs (PB 43:2)?
3. What do we call a baby frog?

Next, go to the link below and choose one amphibian. Click, read and write some information about it in your notebook: what they eat, size, where they live and some interesting facts. 

Para acabar, os dejo una nueva actividad preparada por nuestros monitores del albergue. Se trata de un trivial de anfibios, así que nos puede venir bien para aprender algo más acerca de este fascinante grupo de vertebrados.

See you tomorrow.

Ramón C. 

sábado, 25 de abril de 2020

Fin de semana 25-26 de abril de 2020

Buenos días, amigos. 

Espero que estéis bien. Me han dicho que en un par de días vais a comenzar ya esos paseos...  Hace tanto tiempo que a lo mejor ya no os acordáis de cómo se hacía eso. Os ayudo con una imagen para que lo hagáis bien. 

Seguro que os ha quedado más claro. Lo de la muñeca es opcional.

Cambiando de tema. Me han pasado una actividad que puede resultaros interesante.

Dentro de diez años, cuando seáis mayores y todo esto haya quedado atrás, tal vez os guste recordar cómo fueron estas semanas de confinamiento. En la siguiente actividad se nos propone hacer una "cápsula del tiempo". Estoy seguro de que vuestros padres saben de qué se trata. Aunque parezca que es muy trabajoso, yo os animo a que lo hagáis con esfuerzo y cariño, porque dentro de unos años os emocionaréis al ver cómo fueron estos días. No es algo que me tengáis que mandar a mí, es una tarea personal que podéis ir haciendo poco a poco.


Un fuerte abrazo y feliz fin de semana.

Desde la Inspección nos envían una encuesta, totalmente anónima y voluntaria, por si quisierais cumplimentarla. Gracias. 


Ramón C.

viernes, 24 de abril de 2020

English 24th April 2020

Good morning, little people: 

I hope you had a nice day yesterday. Today is Friday. Friday again! Time flies...

We have English today. English + Friday = song. So let's start with a new song... I think this is a bit easier. The video resembles a 007 movie, I hope you like it.

1. You know what you have to do now:

Birds (1)________________ high
You know how I feel
(2)____________in the sky
You know how I (3)___________________
Breeze driftin' on by
You know how I feel
It's a new dawn
It's a new (4)________________
It's a new life
For me
And I'm (5)_________________good
I'm feeling good
(6)_____________________in the sea
You know how I feel
(7)______________running free
You know how I feel
Blossom on a (8)___________________
You know how I feel
It's a new (9)________________
It's a new day
It's a new (10)_______________
For me
And I'm feeling good
Dragonfly out in the sun, you know what I mean, don't you know
(11)______________all havin' fun, you know what I mean
(12)_______________in peace when day is done, that's what I mean
And this old world is a new (13)_____________________
And a bold world
For me
For me
Stars when you shine
You know how I feel
Scent of the pine
You know how I feel
Oh, freedom is (14)________________________
And I know how I feel
It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
It's a new life
For me
And I'm feeling good
I'm feeling good
I'm feeling so good
I feel so good

2. Let's talk about jobs a bit more. Try to do the next activity (AB page 83:2). 
Order the words and write sentences.


3. On the links below there are two games to practise with jobs a bit more. You can also listen to the words (that's important).

Antes de desearos un feliz fin de semana, comparto con vosotros otra actividad que han preparado nuestros monitores del albergue. Espero que os guste.

Un fuerte abrazo y feliz fin de semana.

Ramón C. 

jueves, 23 de abril de 2020

23 de abril de 2020

Buenos días, amigos. 

Espero que estéis todos bien. 

Estaba a punto de poner la entrada de hoy y me ha llamado Draki para decirme que hoy no podía mandaros deberes ni nada. Hemos estado discutiendo un rato y he preferido hacerle caso, porque es un dragón y no quiero tener problemas... Así que cambio un poco mi plan (no se lo digáis, pero hagamos como si este hubiera sido mi plan desde el principio). 

¿No os habéis dado cuenta de que hoy es el "Día del libro"? Vaya despiste...
Hoy no tenemos clase. Haced click en el enlace abajo y disfrutad de algunas actividades diferentes. 

Un fuerte abrazo.

Ramón C. 

miércoles, 22 de abril de 2020

Social Science 22nd April 2020

Good morning, kids!

A few days ago we started a new section devoted to rivers. Let's continue with that. Today we are going to pay attention to some rivers in Spain. 

We said the other day that the river basin is the area of land a river flows through (todo el terreno por el que fluye un río). 
Today we are going to introduce a new concept: watershed. If you have a look at the next map (the same you can find on PB page 47 but with different colours), you can see that some rivers flow into the Atlantic Ocean, others into the Cantabrian Sea and others into the Mediterranean Sea. 

So, we can classify the rivers in Spain according to the sea or ocean they flow into. 

Example: Guadalquivir is a river in the Atlantic watershed (it means it flows into the Atlantic Ocean). 

1. According to that, classify the next rivers in three categories: ATLANTIC WATERSHED, CANTABRIAN WATERSHED, MEDITERRANEAN WATERSHED.

RIVERS: Guadalquivir, Segura, Ebro, Tajo, Júcar, Guadiana, Duero, Miño, Nervión, Tambre, Almanzora, Turia, Eo. 


2. There is a similar activity on AB page 16: exercise 7.

3. Try the next game about rivers in Spain (it is similar to one you played some days ago). 

4. Finally, choose one of the main rivers in Spain, do a bit of research and write:

- where it begins (its source).
- where it ends (its mouth).
- how long it is.
- one tributary.
- some important cities it flows through. 

This is my example (you can't use it).

Source: Sierra de Cazorla, Segura y las Villas (Jaén).
Mouth: Sanlúcar de Barrameda (Atlantic Ocean).
Length: 657 km.
Tributaries: Genil, Guadiamar...
Some cities it flows through: Andújar, Córdoba, Sevilla, Sanlúcar de Barrameda. 

Son varias cosas, pero recordad que no hay que hacerlo todo en un día. Poco a poco. Son solo recomendaciones. 

See you tomorrow :)

Ramón C. 

martes, 21 de abril de 2020

English 21st April 2020

Good morning, my friends!

Today we have to do a bit of English. 

1. If you go to your PB page 86 there is a song about jobs and places of works. Read it and listen to it, then close your book and try to complete these sentences from the lyrics (en realidad se podría hacer sin libro...) : 

A dentist is a person who ________ in a clinic. 
She cleans, she brushes and she looks after your ________. 
A clinic is a place ___________a dentist works. 
There’s a dentist in my street. 

A _____________is a person who works in a garage. 
He oils, he checks and he fixes your ______________. 
A _____________is a place where a mechanic works. 
There’s a mechanic in my street.

A _________________is a person who works in a salon. 
He washes, he cuts and he dries your ____________. 
A ______________is a place where a hairdresser works. 
There’s a hairdresser in my street. 

A ______________is a person who works in a workshop. 
She saws and she builds things out of ______________. 
A ________________is a place where a carpenter works. 
There’s a carpenter in my street.

2. As you can see, we use WHO when we write about the person that does the job, and WHERE when we write about the place where somebody works. 

Example: A chef is a person WHO cooks your food. A school is the place WHERE teachers work. 

Write ten similar sentences with the next words (son frases independientes): 

JOBS (WHO): carpenter, lawyer, doctor, driver, hairdresser.
PLACES (WHERE): office, restaurant, school, clinic, salon.

3. I have found a crossword about jobs and places of work. It is very easy but very nice.

4. In the next interactive worksheet you can practise with some of the jobs we have studied and learn some new ones (you have to write the letter of the correct option). 

I hope you like it ;)

lunes, 20 de abril de 2020

Natural Science 20th April 2020

Good morning, everyone!

How was your weekend? Mine was very nice: I went to the supermarket, I read, I watched a film, I cooked, I cleaned the windows and then it rained... 

I have heard that in a few days you will be able to go to the street and have a walk. Those are very good news! You desserve it and I know you are going to be very responsible about it.

Antes de empezar nuestra "clase de hoy", me dicen por el pinganillo que los blogs de los profesores de Música, Religión y E. Física están repletos de actividades nuevas cada día...¡no os los perdáis!

And now, a bit of Natural Science. 

After studying the mammals and the birds, we have to talk about reptiles. You already know a lot of things about these amazing animals. In the photo below you can see the information I found on PB page 42 . 

The next video offers a very good summary of reptiles (se entiende muy bien, y mucho mejor si activas la opción de subtítulos). Watch it. I'm sure you will learn some new things about how they reproduce, what they eat, their body coverings...). 

After reading the information and watching the video, try to do activities 2 & 3 (PB page 42). In case you don't have the book, here you can see them.

2. How do reptiles treat their offspring (crías) differently than mammals and birds?
3. Find out about the Galapagos tortoise. How big is it? How long can it live for?

Next, go to the link below and choose one reptile, click, read and write some information about it in your notebook: what they eat, size, where they live and some interesting facts. There are many reptiles on that site; choose your favourite if you want to. 


This is just the beginning of the unit. We will do many more activities when we have studied the different animal groups. 

Have a nice Monday.

See you tomorrow.

¡Otra cosa! Casi se me olvida...

Vuestros monitores del albergue "Los Batanes" (Juan Carlos y Marta) y también los del año pasado (Nabil y Mariola) han preparado una serie de actividades para que podáis recordar mucho de lo aprendido en estas dos maravillosas experiencias que tuvimos la suerte de compartir. Os iré proponiendo algunas de vez en cuando. 


Ramón C. 

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