martes, 19 de enero de 2021

Tuesday 19th January 2021

Good morning, everyone!

How are you today? I'm very happy because tomorrow we go back to school. I hope so!

Are you ready to work super hard? You'd better!

ENGLISH (3ºA y B). 

Two activities today. 

1. Another great quizziz by Nataly. This time, the quiz has 13 questions with MUST/MUSTN'T.


2. Answer the next questions? (They are YES/NO questions!)

a) Have you got any brothers or sisters? Yes, I have or No, I haven't (recordad que tenéis que prestar mucha atención al sujeto y al verbo empleado en la pregunta).
b) Has Daniela Aguirre got a brother?
c) Have you got any pets?
d) Have your parents got a car?
f) Have you got a car?
g) Has Mercedes got a Mobile phone?
h) Has Ramón got a dragon at school?
i) Have you got a broken leg?


Let's continue our unit about vertebrates. Two things to do today. 

Go to PB page 46 and do exercises 4 and 5 (os toca investigar un poco en internet para hallar las respuestas, aunque quizás ya las sabéis). 

4. Which is the smallest mammal on the planet?
5. Which is the biggest mammal on the planet?

After studying the mammals, we have to talk birds. Have a look at the next word map (you can find the same information on PB page 47). 

Recordad que podéis copiar el esquema si queréis y enviar una foto junto con el resto de tareas a

That'll be all!


Ramón C. 

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