martes, 16 de junio de 2020

English 16th June 2020

Good morning, children:

It's Tuesday and we have to do some English. Some days ago we talked about Italy, then Mexico and today we are going to learn some interesting facts about England. 

If you have a look at PB page 100 you can read some information about what England is famous for. You can also listen to it on the link below (or Navio).

1. After reading and listening, answer the next questions: 
a) What sports is England famous for?
b) What time do people have afternoon tea?
c) What are the buses in London like?
d) What is Hamley's?
e) What can people eat at Wimbledon while they watch?

2. We are finishing the unit, so it's time to do some review activities: AB page 98: 1-3. 

Hoy os veo especialmente cansados...Se nota que ya nos quedan menos energías. Así que creo que por hoy ya está bien de ejercicios.

Hace varios días que no os ofrezco ninguna actividad de nuestros amigos de Rascafría. En el siguiente enlace tenéis un vídeo quiz del Monasterio de El Paular (Rascafría). ¡A ver qué tal os sale!

See you tomorrow ;)

Ramón C. 

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