martes, 21 de abril de 2020

English 21st April 2020

Good morning, my friends!

Today we have to do a bit of English. 

1. If you go to your PB page 86 there is a song about jobs and places of works. Read it and listen to it, then close your book and try to complete these sentences from the lyrics (en realidad se podría hacer sin libro...) : 

A dentist is a person who ________ in a clinic. 
She cleans, she brushes and she looks after your ________. 
A clinic is a place ___________a dentist works. 
There’s a dentist in my street. 

A _____________is a person who works in a garage. 
He oils, he checks and he fixes your ______________. 
A _____________is a place where a mechanic works. 
There’s a mechanic in my street.

A _________________is a person who works in a salon. 
He washes, he cuts and he dries your ____________. 
A ______________is a place where a hairdresser works. 
There’s a hairdresser in my street. 

A ______________is a person who works in a workshop. 
She saws and she builds things out of ______________. 
A ________________is a place where a carpenter works. 
There’s a carpenter in my street.

2. As you can see, we use WHO when we write about the person that does the job, and WHERE when we write about the place where somebody works. 

Example: A chef is a person WHO cooks your food. A school is the place WHERE teachers work. 

Write ten similar sentences with the next words (son frases independientes): 

JOBS (WHO): carpenter, lawyer, doctor, driver, hairdresser.
PLACES (WHERE): office, restaurant, school, clinic, salon.

3. I have found a crossword about jobs and places of work. It is very easy but very nice.

4. In the next interactive worksheet you can practise with some of the jobs we have studied and learn some new ones (you have to write the letter of the correct option). 

I hope you like it ;)

8 comentarios:

  1. Hola Ramón,me han gustado mucho los ejercicios interactivos 😊 Están muy chulos y tampoco son tan difíciles 👏 SALUDOS Dani H

    1. Hola, Dani.
      ¡Me alegro de de que te hayan gustado!
      Un fuerte abrazo a ti y a tu hermana :)

  2. Hola Ramón. E echo la ficha del ordenador y me puso todo en rojo.

    Un beso Adrián

    1. Hola, Adrián.
      No te preocupes. Estoy seguro de que lo has hecho bien, pero esta ficha da problemas a veces.
      Un abrazo.

  3. Hola Ramón: Te he enviado dos veces la ficha porque la primera había puesto las palabras y no las letras y me ha puntuado 0/10.
    Un saludo. Irene

    1. Hola, Irene.
      No te preocupes. Creo que esa ficha se bloquea de vez en cuando.
      Un abrazo :)

    2. No no, es porque hay que poner solo a,b,c o d y no la palabra entera.

    3. Gracias, Irene.
      Lo he aclarado en el blog por si le pasa a otros compañeros.
      Un abrazo.


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