martes, 28 de abril de 2020

English 28th April 2020

Good morning, my friends!

Let's start with some of the last photographs I have received. There is a lot of art at Pasamonte school :)

I hope you are OK. Let's do some English and some space activities today. If you have your books with you, I am going to ask you to go to PB 88 and read that interesting text about being an astronaut.

But before you read it, there are some things I'd like to explain. Have a look at the next sentence: 

You have to go to university to be an astronaut. 
In this sentence, have got means tienes que. Ese verbo lo empleamos también para hablar de nuestras posesiones, de cosas que tenemos, como en el siguiente ejemplo: 

Ramón has big muscles.

Pero en este texto de los astronautas, vamos a encontrar ese otro significado (que es lo que habéis ido trabajando en las frases de los días anteriores). Ese significado es tener que hacer algo, como en estos otros ejemplos: 

To be a teacher you have to go to university (o al revés, you have to go to university to be a teacher). 
You have to work very hard to be an astronaut.
You have to buy some ingredients to make a cake. 

Si os dais cuenta, después del verbo (HAVE TO) aparece otro verbo (GO, WORK, BUY). Ese segundo verbo es lo que tenéis que hacer para ser profe, ser un astronauta o hacer una tarta. 

After this, have a look at the text below (sé que no queda bonito tan grande, pero os lo pongo así porque algún compañero no tiene el libro).

1. After reading the text and listening to it, try to complete the sentences about the text... (AB 85:1).

- You have to go to university to____________________
- You need to study_______________________________
- Astronauts have to exercise a lot _________________
- As part of her job_______________________________
- You have to know how to_________________________
- Did you know that in space_______________________?

2. We can do something similar with other jobs or activities (vais a tener que completar la primera o la segunda parte de la frase. Mirad los ejemplos antes de hacerlo): 


You have to train a lot to be a football player.
To pass a Science test you have to study very hard.


- To be a tennis player you have to...
- To be a scientist you have to...
- To be a journalist you have to...
- To be an artist you have to...
- You have to cook very well to...
- You have to speak English to...
- You have to wear a helmet to...
- You don't have to wear a helmet to...

3. You know the International Space Station is orbiting our planet. If you click on the link below you can see where it is right know (podéis ver los grados como estudiamos en Sociales; recordad: latitude and longitude. Ahora mismo, mientras os preparo esta actividad, dice que está en la posición 31ºS 78ºE... a ver dónde está en el momento en que lo hacéis). Click and write its position. 

4. The astronaut from the text, Nicole Stott, spent 91 days on the International Space Station. I have found a video that shows the inside of the station. I thought you may like it. 

See you tomorrow.

Ramón C. 

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