miércoles, 1 de abril de 2020

Social Science 1st April 2020

Good morning, everyone!

How are you today? We begin a new month, and that is always a good thing

Let's start with some drawings by Miguel and Hugo E. 

And now, Social Science.

We start Unit 3 today: Water. So we are going to talk about...anyone? Yes, water.

If you have your book with you, you can read pages 44-45. I have used those pages to write the next word map.

If you observe the physical map on page 44, you will see many examples of bodies of water (seas, oceans, rivers and lakes...). But we need a better map or Google to do the next activities :

1. Write five oceans and tell me if they are in the Northern hemisphere, Southern hemisphere or both.

2. Write five seas, five rivers and five lakes and say where they are (the continent is enough).

Now have a closer look at a map and observe the Iberian Peninsula. Answer the next question: 

3. Which bodies of water border (rodean) Spain?

Read pages 44-45 again (or my word map) before you try the next quiz (link below).


Have a nice Wednesday!

See you tomorrow ;)

Ramón C. 

6 comentarios:

  1. hola Ramón soy Gonzalo tu resumen esta clarisimo y tu letra es muy artistica como si volara. Leyendolo bien ahi están muchas de las respuestas del juego de internet. EStoy aprendiendo mucho gracias

    1. Hola, Gonzalo.
      Sabes cómo animar a alguien con un mensaje :)
      Muchas gracias.
      Un fuerte abrazo!

  2. Hola Ramón solo tengo 4 oceanos los que tienen "both" cuenta 2, tengo:Indian ocean, Artic ocean, Atlantic ocean, Pacific ocean y ninguno más😥😥😥. Xuan

    1. Hola, Xuan.
      Te falta Southern Ocean. Y recuerda: ArCtic

      Bye :)

  3. Hola Ramón.
    Me ha gustado mucho el juego ¿has echo alguno más?  Porque me gustaría probarlo
    Adiós Hera🤗🤗🙂

    1. Hola, Hera.
      Me alegro de que te haya gustado.
      A ver si voy preparando alguno más.
      Un abrazo ;)


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