miércoles, 29 de abril de 2020

Social Science 29th April 2020

Good morning, everyone!

Welcome to a new day :)
Today is Wednesday and we have to do some Social Science. 
Some days ago we talked about rivers, then rivers in Spain, and today we are going to go over something you studied last year and two years ago: the water cycle. 

This is the information you can read on PB pages 48-49.

In those two images you can see the most important aspects in this section. In the photograph below you can see a scientist analyzing the process. Can you recognize him? That's a cool model of the water cycle!

After reading all the information, try to do the next activities: 

1. (PB 48: 2) Read the next sentences. Which stage of the water cycle do they refer to?

a) Water is absorbed by the soil of the ground_______
b) Water changes into water vapour________________
c) Rain and snow fall to the ground_________________
d) Water droplets form clouds__________________

2.  The next video offers a very nice summary of the water cycle, but they forgot to mention one of the four stages. Watch it and tell me the missing stage ;)

3. The link below takes you to a very easy quiz to go over some of the concepts you have learnt today (it is important to read each question very slowly). 

4. If you don't want to copy my word maps, maybe you can try to organize the information about the water cycle making something like this...

You can write the information about the different stages underneath the flaps. 

And that'll be all, folks!

See you tomorrow :)

Ramón C. 

8 comentarios:

  1. Hola Ramón
    Quería hacer una pregunta ¿de quién es el papel donde ponía los ciclos de agua?
    Un saludo Hera 🙋🏻‍♀️😘😘

    1. Hola, Hera.
      Te explico lo del papel ahora que nos lee nadie: yo tenía un esquema muy bonito explicando el ciclo del agua, pero me lo dejé en el colegio. Así que ese me lo ha prestado Internet :)

      Un abrazo.

  2. Hola Ramón!! Me gusta mucho el come cocos por decirlo así que has puesto
    Muchas gracias por ponerlo para que lo entendamos mejor
    Saludos Dani H

    1. Hola, Dani.
      Gracias por tu mensaje!
      Me alegro de que os haya ayudado a entenderlo.
      Un abrazo.

  3. It's wonderful your water cycle
    Iván 4ºA

  4. Hola ramon soy Ainara me ha molado un monton el video . Adiós 👋

    1. Hola, Ainara.
      Gracias por tu comentario.
      Un fuerte abrazo.


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