martes, 31 de marzo de 2020

English 31st March 2020

Good morning, everyone!

Antes de empezar con la tareas de hoy, quería recordar a los alumnos de Religión que la profesora tiene un blog en el que va recomendando actividades relacionadas con su asignatura.


I have some new drawings (Thank you, Mateo, Gonzalo and Iván). 

As I told you last week, we are going to start English UNIT 8 (Jobs we do).

Your PB page 82 shows the new words we are going to learn. There are twelve jobs to learn in this unit (from chef to vet)

1. In the song there are some questions about jobs. Try to answer these other questions too (very easy):
  • Who drives a bus or a taxi?
  • Who fixes cars and motorbikes?
  • Who makes chairs and tables with wood?
  • Who paints beautiful paintings?
  • Who looks after your teeth?

2. You have some activities to go over those words in your AB, page 80.

3. In the link below there is a wordsearch. Give it a try.


4. The next interactive worksheet offers a good opportunity to learn some sentences we can use to talk about jobs (You have to write the words this time).

Jobs - Fill in the gaps, una ficha interactiva de robirimini

See you tomorrow ;)

Ramón C. 

3 comentarios:

  1. Hi, Hera!
    Worksheet :)

    Thank you!
    Ramón C.

  2. Hi Ramon how are you? I am good. i send you the worksheet and I do the wordsearch too It´s really funny thank you.

    1. Hi, David!
      It is great to hear from you :)
      I hope you are OK.



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