domingo, 17 de mayo de 2020

English 18th May 2020

Good morning, everyone: 

I hope you had a nice weekend. Are you ready for a new week?

After the no-test you took in English last week, it's time to start a new unit. It is Unit 9, and it's going to be the last. 

In this unit we are going to talk about countries, travelling and tourism. 

Let's start with some countries. 

1. Can you identify the next flags? Link below.

2. We are going to learn how to describe flags and guess countries. Read the next examples: 

RAMÓN: It's got a blue, white and red flag.
KID: Is it France?
RAMÓN: Yes, it is. Would you like to go to France?
KID: Yes, I would.

I want you to write two similar dialogues, with different flags.

3. Try to do the next AB exercise (page 90:2). Don't forget to colour the flags.

4. Let's finish with the next worksheet (super easy).

Si os apetece, podéis echarle un vistazo al siguiente juego para practicar países y nacionalidades (Spain-Spanish). En inglés, of course. 

See you tomorrow ;)

Ramón C. 

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