lunes, 25 de mayo de 2020

Natural Science 25th May 2020

Hello, myriapods!

Echad un ojo antes de nada al blog de la biblioteca, que nos han saludado :) BLOG BIBLIOTECA

We start a new week with some Natural Science. I hope you had a nice weekend because today we have to work super hard. Oh, yeah!

It's time to talk about invertebrates. Most animals on Earth are invertebrates: incredible animals without backbone. Have a look at the next chart. It's incredible! 

There are millions of species of invertebrate animals. I am sure right now there are lots of them at home, next to you, maybe behind you... 

We are going to classify them in six groups. The next information can be found on PB page 45.

Today we are going to start with the first of those six groups: arthropods

Arthropods are the biggest group of invertebrates, and we can see four subgroups. Have a look (el esquema tiene más chicha de lo que parece. Os aconsejo que lo miréis tranquilamente y que me preguntéis si os surge alguna duda): 

In this unit we are going to learn a lot of things about these animals. It is important you read that information a few times, because I'm going to ask you about them in the next activities.

1. Let's start with an easy crossword (AB page 16).

2. In the next activity you have to write the correct group of arthropods: insects, crustaceans, arachnids or myriapods. If the sentence refers to the four groups, you write ARTHROPOD.

a) They have six legs__________________________________
b) They have a very thick exoskeleton___________________
c) They have a lot of legs______________________________
d) They can produce threads of silk_____________________
e) In some of them their two front legs are claws_________
f) They have eight legs________________________________
g) Some species have eight eyes________________________
h) They don't have a backbone_________________________
j) They only live on land______________________________
i) They lay egss______________________________________

3. Try the next easy game to go over some of the characteristics we have studied.

4. Next you can watch this video that offers a nice summary of some of the things we have seen today. 

5. Finally I want you to observe the next animal and tell me why it is not included in the group of arthropods. I thought it was an arthropod, so tell me why I am wrong (no me digáis que no es un artrópodo porque es un gato: con lo que ya sabéis de los artrópodos podéis decirme qué los caracteriza, y por qué no podéis incluir a este adorable animal en ese grupo).

Si os apetece, jugad a emparejar algunos de los insectos más comunes en la Sierra de Guadarrama. 


See you tomorrow :)

Ramón C. 

3 comentarios:

  1. Hola Ramón, me estoy muriendo de miedo al pensar que tengo un bicho a mi lado. Soy Ainara 😖😖😖

    1. Hola, Ainara. ¿Un bicho a tu lado? Seguramente haya muchos más...fíjate bien :)
      Un abrazo y...¡cuidado!

  2. Tendré mucho cuidado Ramón. Gracias


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