martes, 5 de mayo de 2020

English 6th May 2020

Good morning, little monsters:

Today is Wednesday and we have to do some English. I have to tell you I loved some of the interviews you sent me. Thanks a lot!

First of all I want you to know I love lighthouses. Yes, I do. You know Lily and Josh live at a lighthouse. Yes, they do.

If you go to PB page 90 you can read a very interesting text about lighthouse keepers (the people who live at lighthouses and take care of them). 

1. Read (PB page 90): 

Lighthouses are very important for the safety of ships. They warn them to stay away from dangerous land and rocks, and they help sailors to know where they are. Each lighthouse has got its own special sequence of light flashes. It’s very important that the lamps flash in the correct sequence, so that sailors know where they are.

There are lots of lighthouses all over the world, but not many have got lighthouse keepers now. On Maatsuyker Island, near Tasmania, there were three lighthouse keepers who lived on the island with their families. They were the only people who lived on the island. The lighthouse was built in 1891. In the past, the lamps used oil, but now they use solar power. The lighthouse has got three floors and a spiral staircase made of metal. The lighthouse keepers checked the weather four times a day. They also cleaned the lamps. When a ship from Sweden crashed onto the rocks, the lighthouse keepers helped the six sailors get to the island safely. 

The island is very remote and there aren’t any houses or shops. The lighthouse keepers and their families received food every few months by boat. The bad weather made their job difficult, too. It rains most days on the island, and it’s very windy. Life wasn’t easy, but the lighthouse keepers always kept the lamps burning!

2. After reading, answer the next questions:
a) What's a lighthouse used for?
b) How many lighthouse keepers lived on Maatsuyker Island?
c) What did the lighthouse keepers do every day?
d) What's the weather like on the island?

3. I have chosen these activities from your AB page 88 (but you can do the whole page if you want to).

a) Write six jobs that end in -ER.
b) Name two things astronauts have to do.
c) What would you like to be when you're older? Why?
I'd like to be a_____________________ because __________

4. Let's investigate a bit. I know we don't live in the coast, but could you find information about any lighthouses in Spain? You can write where it is, draw it and anything else you want to tell me about it.

5. The last activity is extra, you don't have to do it. But I think these lighthouses could look very nice at home. If you have time, you can try to make one :) As I said, it is something voluntary and you can do it during the weekend.

See you tomorrow!

Ramón C.

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