lunes, 4 de mayo de 2020

English 4th May 2020

Buenos días, familias. 

Espero que estéis todos bien. Me mandan el siguiente vídeo y pdf desde el colegio y me ruegan su máxima difusión... Gracias.


Hello, everyone:

Long time no see! I hope you are OK. Let's start another beautiful spring week. Last time we had English you read that text about the astronaut Nicole Stott and wrote some questions using HAVE TO. Today we are going to start with an interview. Let's get to it: 

1. Read PB 89 (interview):

Why do you want to be an astronaut?
- I want to be an astronaut because I love flying and learning about the solar system.

Who taught you to fly?
- My father taught me to fly.

What do you have to do in your astronaut training?
- We have to learn about Science for our mission. We have to learn how to eat and have a shower in space. It isn't easy!

What do astronauts eat in space?
- The food is good on the Space Station. There isn't much fresh food, but there's a machine that adds hot water to the food.

How much exercise do you do?
- I exercise for two hours every day. I have to be very fit and healthy.

What do you wear in space?
- In space, we wear our astronaut space suits. On the Space Station, we can wear our own clothes.

What languages do you speak?
- I speak English and I'm learning to speak Russian.

When are you going to go into space?
I'm going to go into space next year. I'm very excited.

Thank you for talking to us, Michelle.
- You're welcome.

2. After reading the interview, do the next True/False activity. 

3. Now that you know more things about interviews, you have to write your own. It doesn't need to be very long: 4 questions are enough. You can use the model on AB page 86, but you can also follow these instructions...

  • Choose a person: mum, dad, sister...
  • Write four questions you want to ask them (questions with what, where, who, when...).
  • Ask the questions and write that person's answers.

4. Last, but not least, try do to do the next worksheet. 

(Sé que hoy os he mandado algo más de trabajo. Hacedlo poco a poco y sin prisa. Y no dudéis en preguntarme cualquier duda).

See you tomorrow.

Ramón C.

4 comentarios:

  1. Hola Ramón
    Sabes Mercedes también nos ha mandado hacer una entrevista pero en castellano 😅, y ahora tu en inglés 😆 una pregunta ¿Puedo hacer la misma pero en inglés?
    Muchas gracias y un saludito Hera 🙋😘😘

    1. Hola, Hera.
      Pues te aseguro que ha sido casualidad.
      No me parece mal que aproveches la que ya tienes hecha en español... pero no se lo digas a nadie ;)

      Un saludito a ti también :)

  2. Hola Ramón soy Ainara me ha encantado el true or false Adiós.

    1. Hola, Ainara.
      Me alegro de que te haya gustado.
      ¡Un abrazo!


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