miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2020

English 25th March 2020

Good morning, everyone!

I hope you are fine. Are you ready to work a little?

First of all. Did you know that your Physical Education teacher has created a blog? It is a great way to do some physical activity at home... I have visited it and I have to say it has some cool activities.

So give it a try!

I want to share some of the drawings I have received in the last hours. Thank you, Hugo, Clara, Héctor O. and scientist Medina (Chicos, como son muchos los dibujos que recibo, si se me olvida poner alguno de los que habéis mandado, recordádmelo por por favor). 

About English...

In this unit we are talking about the future but also about places in the city. So, today we are going to go over some of the vocabulary we learnt at the beginning of the unit. 

1. In the link below there is a website with some worksheets. I just want you to do pages 1 and 2. 

2. I am trying a new tool. It is called educaplay. There are two activities I have created. Click to play :)

3. And another short story. I love them...do you? As usual, you can watch the video, play the game and do the worksheet if you have time. 

See you tomorrow :)

Ramón C.

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