jueves, 12 de marzo de 2020

Social Science: Weather and climate

Estimadas familias:

Desde la Editorial de los libros de CC. Sociales y CC. Naturales nos han mandado un enlace para poder acceder a materiales y actividades para estos días. Os lo paso por si pudiera resultar útil para estas jornadas en casa.

Y ahora me dirijo a los chicos.

Good morning, everyone!

Lots of you have been visiting my blog and I know you are doing some activities at home to go over the contents we are studying these days. That's fantastic!

Today I wanted to share some materials to play and learn a bit more about weather and climate. 

First, this is a very interesting worksheet about world climates. I know these are contents we haven't explained at school yet, but give it a go. It is not difficult if you read it slowly. You can print it, work with it on your tablet...

And this second link is an easy experiment you can try at home: Would you like to produce rain? Remember what we explain about condensation. With the next experiment you can understand that concept a bit better (PB 26). 

Have a nice Thursday ;)

Ramón C.  

2 comentarios:

  1. muchas gracias Ramón por lo de natu y soci les a cabo de ver y están chulísimos
    pásatelo muy bien
    Hera :)

    1. Muchas gracias, Hera!
      Espero que tú y tu familia estéis bien.
      Un abrazo.


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